
Kotlin 多平台 Gradle DSL 参考

多平台项目处于 Alpha 版。语言特性与工具都可能在未来的 Kotlin 版本中发生变化。

Kotlin 多平台 Gradle 插件是用于创建 Kotlin 多平台 项目的工具。这里我们提供了它的参考;在为 Kotlin 多平台项目编写 Gradle 构建脚本时, 用它作提醒。 Learn the concepts of Kotlin multiplatform projects, how to create and configure them.


id 与版本

Kotlin 多平台 Gradle 插件的全限定名是 org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform。 如果你使用 Kotlin Gradle DSL,那么你可以通过 kotlin("multiplatform") 来应用插件。 插件版本与 Kotlin 发行版本相匹配。最新的版本是:1.4.20。

plugins {
    id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform' version '1.4.20'
plugins {
    kotlin("multiplatform") version "1.4.20"


kotlin 是在 Gradle 构建脚本中用于配置多平台项目的顶层块。 kotlin 块内,你可以使用以下块:

<目标名称> 声明项目的特定目标,所有可用的目标名称已陈列在目标部分中.
targets 项目的所有目标。
presets 所有预定义的目标。使用这个同时配置多个预定义目标
sourceSets 配置预定义和声明自定义项目的源集


目标 是构建的一部分,负责构建编译、测试、以及针对某个已支持平台打包软件。

Each target can have one or more compilations. In addition to default compilations for test and production purposes, you can create custom compilations.

多平台项目的目标kotlin 块中的相应代码块中描述,例如:jvmandroid 以及 iosArm64。 以下是可用目标的完整列表:

名称 描述
jvm Java 虚拟机
js JavaScript
android Android(APK)
androidNativeArm32 Android NDK 基于 ARM(ARM32)平台
androidNativeArm64 Android NDK 基于 ARM64 平台
androidNativeX86 Android NDK 基于 x86 平台
androidNativeX64 Android NDK 基于 x86_64 平台
iosArm32 Apple iOS 基于 ARM(ARM32)平台(Apple iPhone 5 或更早)
iosArm64 Apple iOS 基于 ARM64 平台(Apple iPhone 5s 或更新)
iosX64 Apple iOS 64-bit 模拟器
watchosArm32 Apple watchOS 基于 ARM(ARM32)平台(Apple Watch Series 3 或更早)
watchosArm64 Apple watchOS 基于 ARM64_32 平台(Apple Watch Series 4 或更新)
watchosX86 Apple watchOS 模拟器
tvosArm64 Apple tvOS 基于 ARM64 平台(Apple TV 4th generation 或更新)
tvosX64 Apple tvOS 模拟器
linuxArm64 Linux 基于 ARM64 平台,例如:树莓派
linuxArm32Hfp Linux 基于 hard-float ARM(ARM32)平台
linuxMips32 Linux 基于 MIPS 平台
linuxMipsel32 Linux 基于 little-endian MIPS(mipsel)平台
linuxX64 Linux 基于 x86_64 平台
macosX64 Apple macOS
mingwX64 64-bit 微软 Windows
mingwX86 32-bit 微软 Windows
wasm32 WebAssembly
kotlin {


Each target can have one or more compilations.


In any target block, you can use the following declarations:

Name Description
attributes Attributes used for disambiguating targets for a single platform.
preset The preset that the target has been created from, if any.
platformType Designates the Kotlin platform of this target. Avaiable values: jvm, androidJvm, js, native, common.
artifactsTaskName The name of the task that builds the resulting artifacts of this target.
components The components used to setup Gradle publications.

JVM 目标

In addition to common target configuration, jvm targets have a specific function:

Name Description
withJava() Includes Java sources into the JVM target’s compilations.

Use this function for projects that contain both Java and Kotlin source files. Note that the default source directories for Java sources don't follow the Java plugin's defaults. Instead, they are derived from the Kotlin source sets. For example, if the JVM target has the default name jvm, the paths are src/jvmMain/java (for production Java sources) and src/jvmTest/java for test Java sources. Learn how to include Java sources in JVM compilations.

kotlin {
    jvm {

JavaScript 目标

The js block describes the configuration of JavaScript targets. It can contain one of two blocks depending on the target execution environment:

Name Description
browser Configuration of the browser target.
nodejs Configuration of the Node.js target.

Learn more about configuring Kotlin/JS projects.


browser can contain the following configuration blocks:

Name Description
testRuns Configuration of test execution.
runTask Configuration of project running.
webpackTask Configuration of project bundling with Webpack.
dceTask Configuration of Dead Code Elimination.
distribution Path to output files.
kotlin {
    js().browser {
        webpackTask { /* ... */ }
        testRuns { /* ... */ }
        dceTask {
        distribution {
            directory = File("$projectDir/customdir/")


nodejs can contain configurations of test and run tasks:

Name Description
testRuns Configuration of test execution.
runTask Configuration of project running.
kotlin {
    js().nodejs {
        runTask { /* ... */ }
        testRuns { /* ... */ }

Native 目标

For native targets, the following specific blocks are available:

Name Description
binaries Configuration of binaries to produce.
cinterops Configuration of interop with C libraries.


There are the following kinds of binaries:

Name Description
executable Product executable.
test Test executable.
sharedLib Shared library.
staticLib Static library.
framework Objective-C framework.
kotlin {
    linuxX64 { // Use your target instead.
        binaries {
            executable {
                // Binary configuration.

For binaries configuration, the following parameters are available:

Name Description
compilation The compilation from which the binary is built. By default, test binaries are based on the test compilation while other binaries - on the main compilation.
linkerOpts Options passed to a system linker during binary building.
baseName Custom base name for the output file. The final file name will be formed by adding system-dependent prefix and postfix to this base name.
entryPoint The entry point function for executable binaries. By default, it's main() in the root package.
outputFile Access to the output file.
linkTask Access to the link task.
runTask Access to the run task for executable binaries. For targets other than linuxX64, macosX64, or mingwX64 the value is null.
isStatic For Objective-C frameworks. Includes a static library instead of a dynamic one.
binaries {
    executable('my_executable', [RELEASE]) {
        // Build a binary on the basis of the test compilation.
        compilation = compilations.test

        // Custom command line options for the linker.
        linkerOpts = ['-L/lib/search/path', '-L/another/search/path', '-lmylib']

        // Base name for the output file.
        baseName = 'foo'

        // Custom entry point function.
        entryPoint = 'org.example.main'

        // Accessing the output file.
        println("Executable path: ${outputFile.absolutePath}")

        // Accessing the link task.

        // Accessing the run task.
        // Note that the runTask is null for non-host platforms.

    framework('my_framework' [RELEASE]) {
        // Include a static library instead of a dynamic one into the framework.
        isStatic = true
binaries {
    executable("my_executable", listOf(RELEASE)) {
        // Build a binary on the basis of the test compilation.
        compilation = compilations["test"]

        // Custom command line options for the linker.
        linkerOpts = mutableListOf("-L/lib/search/path", "-L/another/search/path", "-lmylib")

        // Base name for the output file.
        baseName = "foo"

        // Custom entry point function.
        entryPoint = "org.example.main"

        // Accessing the output file.
        println("Executable path: ${outputFile.absolutePath}")

        // Accessing the link task.

        // Accessing the run task.
        // Note that the runTask is null for non-host platforms.

    framework("my_framework" listOf(RELEASE)) {
        // Include a static library instead of a dynamic one into the framework.
        isStatic = true

Learn more about building native binaries.


cinterops is a collection of descriptions for interop with native libraries. To provide an interop with a library, add an entry to cinterops and define its parameters:

Name Description
defFile def file describing the native API.
packageName Package prefix for the generated Kotlin API.
compilerOpts Options to pass to the compiler by the cinterop tool.
includeDirs Directories to look for headers.

Learn more how to configure interop with native languages.

kotlin {
    linuxX64 { // Replace with a target you need.
        compilations.main {
            cinterops {
                myInterop {
                    // Def-file describing the native API.
                    // The default path is src/nativeInterop/cinterop/<interop-name>.def
                    defFile project.file("def-file.def")

                    // Package to place the Kotlin API generated.
                    packageName 'org.sample'

                    // Options to be passed to compiler by cinterop tool.
                    compilerOpts '-Ipath/to/headers'

                    // Directories for header search (an analogue of the -I<path> compiler option).
                    includeDirs.allHeaders("path1", "path2")

                    // A shortcut for includeDirs.allHeaders.
                    includeDirs("include/directory", "another/directory")

                anotherInterop { /* ... */ }
kotlin {
    linuxX64 {  // Replace with a target you need.
        compilations.getByName("main") {
            val myInterop by cinterops.creating {
                // Def-file describing the native API.
                // The default path is src/nativeInterop/cinterop/<interop-name>.def

                // Package to place the Kotlin API generated.

                // Options to be passed to compiler by cinterop tool.

                // Directories for header search (an analogue of the -I<path> compiler option).
                includeDirs.allHeaders("path1", "path2")

                // A shortcut for includeDirs.allHeaders.
                includeDirs("include/directory", "another/directory")

            val anotherInterop by cinterops.creating { /* ... */ }

Android 目标

The Kotlin multiplatform plugin contains two specific functions for android targets. Two functions help you configure build variants:

Name Description
publishLibraryVariants() Specifies build variants to publish. Learn more about publishing Android libraries.
publishAllLibraryVariants() Publishes all build variants.
kotlin {
    android {
        publishLibraryVariants("release", "debug")

Learn more about compilation for Android.

The android configuration inside kotlin doesn’t replace the build configuration of any Android project. Learn more about writing build scripts for Android projects in Android developer documentation.


The sourceSets block describes source sets of the project. A source set contains Kotlin source files that participate in compilations together, along with their resources, dependencies, and language settings.

A multiplatform project contains predefined source sets for its targets; developers can also create custom source sets for their needs.


Predefined source sets are set up automatically upon creation of a multiplatform project. Available predefined source sets are the following:

Name Description
commonMain Code and resources shared between all platforms. Available in all multiplatform projects. Used in all main compilations of a project.
commonTest Test code and resources shared between all platforms. Available in all multiplatform projects. Used in all test compilations of a project.
<targetName><compilationName> Target-specific sources for a compilation. <targetName> is the name of a predefined target and <compilationName> is the name of a compilation for this target. Examples: jsTest, jvmMain.

With Kotlin Gradle DSL, the sections of predefined source sets should be marked by getting.

kotlin { 
    sourceSets { 
        commonMain { /* ... */ } 
kotlin { 
    sourceSets { 
        val commonMain by getting { /* ... */ } 

Learn more about source sets.


Custom source sets are created by the project developers manually. To create a custom source set, add a section with its name inside the sourceSets section. If using Kotlin Gradle DSL, mark custom source sets by creating.

kotlin { 
    sourceSets { 
        myMain { /* ... */ } // create or configure a source set by the name 'myMain' 
kotlin { 
    sourceSets { 
        val myMain by creating { /* ... */ } // create a new source set by the name 'MyMain'

Note that a newly created source set isn’t connected to other ones. To use it in the project’s compilations, connect it with other source sets.


Configurations of source sets are stored inside the corresponding blocks of sourceSets. A source set has the following parameters:

Name Description
kotlin.srcDir Location of Kotlin source files inside the source set directory.
resources.srcDir Location of resources inside the source set directory.
dependsOn Connection with another source set.
dependencies 依赖项 of the source set.
languageSettings 语言设置 applied to the source set.
kotlin { 
    sourceSets { 
        commonMain {
            dependencies {
                /* ... */
kotlin { 
    sourceSets { 
        val commonMain by getting {
            dependencies {
                /* ... */


A target can have one or more compilations, for example, for production or testing. There are predefined compilations that are added automatically upon target creation. You can additionally create custom compilations.

To refer to all or some particular compilations of a target, use the compilations object collection. From compilations, you can refer to a compilation by its name.

Learn more about configuring compilations.


Predefined compilations are created automatically for each target of a project except for Android targets. Available predefined compilations are the following:

Name Description
main Compilation for production sources.
test Compilation for tests.
kotlin {
    jvm {
        compilations.main.output // get the main compilation output
        compilations.test.runtimeDependencyFiles // get the test runtime classpath
kotlin {
    jvm {
        val main by compilations.getting {
            output // get the main compilation output
        compilations["test"].runtimeDependencyFiles // get the test runtime classpath


In addition to predefined compilations, you can create your own custom compilations. To create a custom compilation, add a new item into the compilations collection. If using Kotlin Gradle DSL, mark custom compilations by creating.

Learn more about creating a custom compilation.

kotlin {
    jvm() {
        compilations.create('integrationTest') {
            defaultSourceSet {
                dependencies {
                    /* ... */

            // Create a test task to run the tests produced by this compilation:
            tasks.register('jvmIntegrationTest', Test) {
                /* ... */
kotlin {
    jvm() {
        compilations {
            val integrationTest by compilations.creating {
                defaultSourceSet {
                    dependencies {
                        /* ... */

                // Create a test task to run the tests produced by this compilation:
                tasks.register<Test>("integrationTest") {
                    /* ... */


A compilation has the following parameters:

Name Description
defaultSourceSet The compilation’s default source set.
kotlinSourceSets Source sets participating in the compilation.
allKotlinSourceSets Source sets participating in the compilation and their connections via dependsOn().
kotlinOptions Compiler options applied to the compilation. For the list of available options, see Compiler options.
compileKotlinTask Gradle task for compiling Kotlin sources.
compileKotlinTaskName Name of compileKotlinTask.
compileAllTaskName Name of the Gradle task for compiling all sources of a compilation.
output The compilation output.
compileDependencyFiles Compile-time dependency files (classpath) of the compilation.
runtimeDependencyFiles Runtime dependency files (classpath) of the compilation.
kotlin {
    jvm {
        compilations.main.kotlinOptions { 
            // Setup the Kotlin compiler options for the 'main' compilation:
            jvmTarget = "1.8"
        compilations.main.compileKotlinTask // get the Kotlin task 'compileKotlinJvm' 
        compilations.main.output // get the main compilation output
        compilations.test.runtimeDependencyFiles // get the test runtime classpath
    // Configure all compilations of all targets:
    targets.all {
        compilations.all {
            kotlinOptions {
                allWarningsAsErrors = true
kotlin {
    jvm {
        val main by compilations.getting {
            kotlinOptions { 
                // Setup the Kotlin compiler options for the 'main' compilation:
                jvmTarget = "1.8"
            compileKotlinTask // get the Kotlin task 'compileKotlinJvm' 
            output // get the main compilation output
        compilations["test"].runtimeDependencyFiles // get the test runtime classpath
    // Configure all compilations of all targets:
    targets.all {
        compilations.all {
            kotlinOptions {
                allWarningsAsErrors = true


The dependencies block of the source set declaration contains the dependencies of this source set.

Learn more about configuring dependencies.

There are four types of dependencies:

Name Description
api Dependencies used in the API of the current module.
implementation Dependencies used in the module but not exposed outside it.
compileOnly Dependencies used only for compilation of the current module.
runtimeOnly Dependencies available at runtime but not visible during compilation of any module.
kotlin {
    sourceSets {
        commonMain {
            dependencies {
                api 'com.example:foo-metadata:1.0'
        jvm6Main {
            dependencies {
                implementation 'com.example:foo-jvm6:1.0'
kotlin {
    sourceSets {
        val commonMain by getting {
            dependencies {
        val jvm6Main by getting {
            dependencies {

Additionally, source sets can depend on each other and for a hierarchy. In this case, the dependsOn() relation is used.

Source set dependencies can also be declared in the top-level dependencies block of the build script. In this case, their declarations follow the pattern <sourceSetName><DependencyKind>, for example, commonMainApi.

dependencies {
    commonMainApi 'com.example:foo-common:1.0'
    jvm6MainApi 'com.example:foo-jvm6:1.0'
dependencies {


The languageSettings block of a source set defines certain aspects of project analysis and build. The following language settings are available:

Name Description
languageVersion Provides source compatibility with the specified version of Kotlin.
apiVersion Allows using declarations only from the specified version of Kotlin bundled libraries.
enableLanguageFeature Enables the specified language feature. The available values correspond to the language features that are currently experimental or have been introduced as such at some point.
useExperimentalAnnotation Allows using the specified opt-in annotation.
progressiveMode Enables the progressive mode.
kotlin {
    sourceSets.all {
        languageSettings {
            languageVersion = '1.4' // possible values: '1.0', '1.1', '1.2', '1.3', '1.4'
            apiVersion = '1.4' // possible values: '1.0', '1.1', '1.2', '1.3', '1.4'
            enableLanguageFeature('InlineClasses') // language feature name
            useExperimentalAnnotation('kotlin.ExperimentalUnsignedTypes') // annotation FQ-name
            progressiveMode = true // false by default
kotlin {
    sourceSets.all {
        languageSettings.apply {
            languageVersion = "1.4" // possible values: "1.0", "1.1", "1.2", "1.3", "1.4"
            apiVersion = "1.4" // possible values: "1.0", "1.1", "1.2", "1.3", "1.4"
            enableLanguageFeature("InlineClasses") // language feature name
            useExperimentalAnnotation("kotlin.ExperimentalUnsignedTypes") // annotation FQ-name
            progressiveMode = true // false by default