Kotlin编程实践(Kotlin Cookbook 中文版)
《Kotlin编程实践》(Kotlin Cookbook 中文版) 由[美]肯·寇森(Ken Kousen)著、乔禹昂译(乔禹昂也是本站译者)。
本书的重点不仅在于讲解 Kotlin 的语法与语义,还将展示何时以及为何应该使用某个指定的语言特性。 本书的目标不一定会涵盖每一个 Kotlin 语法与库的细节。 但在最后,本书添加了很多基本原理的内容,让即使只有 Kotlin 初级知识的读者也可以理解本书的内容。 当你认真学习 Kotlin 的细节后,你就可以使用这门受欢迎的语言构建 Android 应用、Web 应用以及其他程序。 Kotlin 不仅可以用于任何应用 Java 的地方,还可以用于 iOS 开发、编写原生应用程序、JavaScript 开发以及更多场景。
《深入理解Kotlin协程》 是一部从工作机制、实现原理、应用场景、使用方法、实践技巧、标准库、框架、应用案例等多个维度全面讲解 Kotlin 协程的专著,它同时提供了多语言视角,亦可通过本书了解其他语言的协程。
本书作者是腾讯的的高级工程师,是国内Kotlin领域的先驱者和布道者,不仅在工程实践领域积累了丰富的经验, 而且在Kotlin开发者社群里有广泛的影响力和号召力。
- 第1章从协程的核心应用场景——异步程序设计的思路和关键问题切入,引出Kotlin协程的概念;
- 第2章首先介绍了协程的概念、分类,然后讲解了Python、Lua、Go等不同语言的协程实现和对比;
- 第3~4章以 Kotlin 标准库的协程 API 为核心,讲解了简单协程的使用方法和运行机制,以及通过简单协程设计和实现复合协程的思路和方法;
- 第5~6章以Kotlin的官方协程框架为模板,通过逐步实现其中的核心功能,分析了其中的实现细节和复合协程的运行机制,并对框架的使用做了深入探讨;
- 第7~8章讲解了协程在Android应用开发和Web服务开发中的应用场景、面临的挑战,以及解决各种常见问题的方法和思路;
- 第9章探讨了JavaScript和Native等非JVM平台对协程的支持情况,以及协程在这些平台上的应用。
《Kotlin核心编程》不是一本简单介绍 Kotlin 语法应用的图书, 而是一部专注于帮助读者深入理解 Kotlin 的设计理念,指导读者实现 Kotlin 高层次开发的实战型著作。 书中深入介绍了 Kotlin 的核心语言特性、设计模式、函数式编程、异步开发等内容,并以 Android 和 Web 两个平台为背景,演示了Kotlin的实战应用。
- 水滴技术团队出品,团队核心成员均来自阿里巴巴、淘宝,腾讯、阿里、小米、大疆等企业均是水滴的客户。
- Quill 核心贡献者章建良等多位技术大牛亲自执笔。
- 重点剖析了 Kotlin 设计哲学、语法、核心特性、设计模式、函数式编程、异步、并发和工程实战等核心内容。
- 基于 Android 和 Web 两大平台,给出了 Kotlin 的开发实践,对架构方式、单向数据流模型、解耦视图导航、 响应式编程、Spring 5 响应式框架进行了实战性指导,值得借鉴!
Kotlin 实战(Kotlin in Action 中文版)
Kotlin 实战教你将 Kotlin 语言用于生产级应用。写给有经验的 Java 开发者的示例丰富的这本书比大多数语言图书更深入,其中涵盖了一些有趣的话题,例如使用自然语言的语法构建 DSL。
这本书原版由 Kotlin 团队的开发者 Dmitry Jemerov 和 Svetlana Isakova 合著。 中文版由覃宇、罗丽、李思阳、蒋扬海译。
Head First Kotlin
Head First Kotlin is a complete introduction to coding in Kotlin. This hands-on book helps you learn the Kotlin language with a unique method that goes beyond syntax and how-to manuals and teaches you how to think like a great Kotlin developer. You’ll learn everything from language fundamentals to collections, generics, lambdas, and higher-order functions. Along the way, you’ll get to play with both object-oriented and functional programming. If you want to really understand Kotlin, this is the book for you.
Kotlin in Action
Kotlin in Action 教你将 Kotlin 语言用于生产级应用。写给有经验的 Java 开发者的示例丰富的这本书比大多数语言图书更深入,其中涵盖了一些有趣的话题,例如使用自然语言的语法构建 DSL。
这本书由 Kotlin 团队的开发者 Dmitry Jemerov 和 Svetlana Isakova 合著。
涵盖了 Kotlin 类型系统的第 6 章、涵盖了 DSL 的第 11 章可作为 出版社网站上的免费样章取得。
Kotlin Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
Kotlin Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide. In this book you will learn to work effectively with the Kotlin language through carefully considered examples designed to teach you Kotlin’s elegant style and features. Starting from first principles, you will work your way to advanced usage of Kotlin, empowering you to create programs that are more reliable with less code.
Programming Kotlin
Programming Kotlin is a book by Venkat Subramaniam. Programmers don’t just use Kotlin, they love it. Even Google has adopted it as a first-class language for Android development. With Kotlin, you can intermix imperative, functional, and object-oriented styles of programming and benefit from the approach that’s most suitable for the problem at hand. Learn to use the many features of this highly concise, fluent, elegant, and expressive statically typed language with easy-to-understand examples. Learn to write maintainable, high-performing JVM and Android applications, create DSLs, program asynchronously, and much more.
The Joy of Kotlin
The Joy of Kotlin teaches you the right way to code in Kotlin. In this insight-rich book, you'll master the Kotlin language while exploring coding techniques that will make you a better developer no matter what language you use. Kotlin natively supports a functional style of programming, so seasoned author Pierre-Yves Saumont begins by reviewing the FP principles of immutability, referential transparency, and the separation between functions and effects. Then, you'll move deeper into using Kotlin in the real world, as you learn to handle errors and data properly, encapsulate shared state mutations, and work with laziness. This book will change the way you code — and give you back some of the joy you had when you first started.
Modern Web Development with Kotlin
Modern Web Development with Kotlin 是一本由 Denis Kalinin 撰写的关于 Kotlin Web 开发的书。它涵盖了刚好足够入门的基础知识,但主要语言的集中于使用实践方面。特别是,它指引你使用流行的后端与前端技术完成构建一个技术聚焦的 Web 应用程序的过程。
Fundamental Kotlin, Second Edition
Fundamental Kotlin is the second edition of the Fundamental Kotlin book. It extends Fundamental Kotlin book and brings us fresh examples of Kotlin programming language use.
Programmer's Guide To Kotlin
Programmer's Guide to Kotlin is a book by Mike James for introducing Kotlin to programmers. The book helps you understand the Kotlin language in-depth so you can easily go on to create better, more robust programs.
Kotlin by Mehmet Ali SICAK was created to introduce Kotlin to programmers. This book is the first and currently only Kotlin book in Turkish. Published on the 17 July 2017, Kotlin covers a broad spectrum of topics from Kotlin and Innovations, Kotlin and Java, Kotlin and Android, what can be done with Kotlin, and working with null data in Kotlin. With detailed insight into using variables and data types, range concept, arrays, collections, object-based programming, interfaces, generic, abstract, inheritance, and override rules with Kotlin, with a lot of sample applications. This book provides beginners and intermediate programmers with information on the fundamental working principles of the Kotlin language, for a substantial foundation to build on when developing applications with Android. This book is in Turkish.
Kotlin Apprentice
Kotlin Apprentice Kotlin Apprentice focuses on the Kotlin language fundamentals. If you’re new to the Kotlin language, there’s no need to be intimidated: This book starts with the basics of basics — an introduction to programming — and then takes you through Kotlin fundamentals. But, if you’re familiar with Kotlin, you’ll advance into more intermediate and nuanced features of the language, such as functional programming, conventions and operator overloading, and coroutines. Whatever your familiarity with the language, this book will teach you to organize and customize your code in Kotlin to create clean and modern apps in Kotlin.
Kotlin Kompakt
Kotlin Kompakt is for Java professionals looking to get into Kotlin development in the least amount of time. By concentrating on the essentials in compact chapters, you'll get to know Kotlin within a few afternoons or subway commutes, and soon you'll be able to write your first Kotlin applications. As the title suggests, "Kotlin Kompakt" is not an all-encompassing work on Kotlin. Rather, its focus is on providing the necessary foundations and Kotlin's best features, which make it such a remarkable programming language.
Kotlin - Les fondamentaux du développement d'applications Android
Kotlin - Les fondamentaux du développement d'applications Android, a book by Anthony Cosson, published by Editions ENI. The first four chapters of the book are dedicated to Kotlin language learning. The other chapters feature Android applications development with Kotlin. The book is made of many examples in order to quickly and easily implement a mobile app.
Kotlin è un linguaggio di programmazione open source ideato per interfacciarsi perfettamente con Java, ma anche JavaScript, attraverso una sintassi più concisa e chiara. A partire dal 2017 l'interesse verso Kotlin è cresciuto costantemente a seguito della decisione di Google di supportarlo come linguaggio principale per lo sviluppo di applicazioni Android, proprio come alternativa a Java. Questo manuale ne insegna i fondamenti privilegiando la pratica alla teoria. Dopo l'esplorazione dell'ambiente di sviluppo, si affronta la sintassi di base e i "mattoni" del linguaggio, con particolare attenzione alle funzioni. Quindi viene affrontata la programmazione a oggetti e quella funzionale, prima di concludere esplorando alcuni degli aspetti più avanzati, come l'interoperabilità con Java, i contract e le coroutine. Una lettura adatta sia a chi desidera conoscere un nuovo e moderno linguaggio, sia agli sviluppatori mobile che vogliono iniziare a sfruttare Kotlin per creare app Android.
Effective Kotlin
Effective Kotlin is a book by Marcin Moskala. Kotlin is a powerful and pragmatic language, but it's not enough to know about its features. We also need to know when they should be used and in what way. This book is a guide for Kotlin developers on how to become excellent Kotlin developers. It presents and explains in-depth the best practices for Kotlin development. Each item is presented as a clear rule of thumb, supported by detailed explanations and practical examples.
Einstieg in Kotlin
Einstieg in Kotlin is a book by Thomas Theis. This book enables beginners to develop Android apps with Kotlin. You will learn all the important first steps and make yourself acquainted with the concepts of the programming language. Discover how to develop user interfaces and how to use various sensors and system services. Thanks to a lot of examples and clear code listings, readers will quickly learn how to store data, process audio and video recordings and use professional features like safe navigation, expansion functions and more. This book is specifically written for unexperienced Kotlin users; however, developers switching from Java to Kotlin will benefit from the many examples and concise explanations as well. Note: This book is available in German only.
Exploring Kotlin
Exploring Kotlin is a book by Hani M. K. In less than 100 pages, this book will cover Kotlin syntax and features in a straight and to the point explanation. You’ll explore Kotlin’s programming concepts such as classes, inheritance, properties, functions, lambdas, generics, coroutine and much more with examples. This book is suitable for beginners and busy programmers.
Android 程序设计
Kotlin for Android Developers
Kotlin for Android Developers is a book by Antonio Leiva showing how Kotlin can be used for creating an Android application from scratch.
Android Apprentice
Android Apprentice If you’re completely new to Android or developing in Kotlin, this is the book for you. The Android Apprentice takes you all the way from building your first app, to submitting your app for sale. By the end of this book, you’ll be experienced enough to turn your vague ideas into real apps that you can release on the Google Play Store. You’ll build 4 complete apps from scratch — each app is a little more complicated than the previous one. Together, these apps will teach you how to work with the most common controls and APIs used by Android developers around the world.
Kotlin for Android App Development
Kotlin for Android App Development by Peter Sommerhoff, get a solid practical introduction and understanding into Kotlin, with hands-on practice over two sample apps. This book hits the sweet spot between theory and practice, teaching the best practices for object-orientation, functional programming, interoperability, and more in Kotlin with thousands of code examples.
Programming Kotlin
Programming Kotlin 是由 Stephen Samuel 和 Stefan Bocutiu 合著的关于在 JVM 上使用 Kotlin 的一本书。它涵盖了语言的方方面面,尤其侧重于服务器端开发。 它面向想要学习 Kotlin 特别是它相对于 Java 改进的地方的 Java 开发人员。
Android Development with Kotlin
Android Development with Kotlin 是一本由 Marcin Moskala 与 Igor Wojda 合著的在 Android 开发场景中讨论 Kotlin 特性的书。它展示了常见的 Android 开发中的典型示例如何使用 Kotlin 来简化。也展示了这门语言提供的所有益处、 改进以及新的可能性。
Reactive Programming in Kotlin
Reactive Programming in Kotlin is an extensive book written by Rivu Chakraborty, an experienced Android developer and Kotlin enthusiast. This book has been created to provide you with a step by step system for learning Reactive Programming with Kotlin. We cover every aspect of Reactive Programming and its implementation in Kotlin and RxKotlin. We have also included the latest information to introduce you to Spring framework 5.0 and Spring Boot 2.0. and added coverage on applying Reactive Programming to Android with Kotlin.
Kotlin Blueprints
Kotlin Blueprints is a book by Akshay Chordiya, Ashish Belagali and Hardik Trivedi which provides a practical guide to help build industry grade web applications (Spring Boot, JavaScript), Android, Desktop application using TornadoFX. It also includes building an application with Kotlin Native. It shows how to leverage features of Kotlin in the respective technologies. This book is for developers who already know Kotlin and want to build something using Kotlin for Web/Android/Desktop/Native.
Functional Kotlin
Functional Kotlin Functional Kotlin by Mario Arias and Rivu Chakraborty. Kotlin supports many of the popular and advanced technical and useful features of functional languages. Functional programming makes your applications faster, improves performance, and increases your productivity. The book covers the A-Z of functional programming in Kotlin, as well as, an in-depth look at the Arrow library for Functional Programming in Kotlin. Mario Arias is one of the authors of the Arrow library, and Rivu Chakraborty is an experienced Developer and Author of multiple Kotlin books, this book is the go-to resource if you want to master Functional Programming in Kotlin and Arrow.
Hands-On Microservices with Kotlin
Hands-On Microservices with Kotlin is a book by Juan Antonio Medina Iglesias which guides the reader in designing and implementing services, and producing production-ready, testable, lean code that's shorter and simpler than a traditional Java implementation. Reap the benefits of using the reactive paradigm and take advantage of non-blocking techniques to take your services to the next level in terms of industry standards. You will consume NoSQL databases reactively to allow you to create high-throughput microservices. Create cloud-native microservices that can run on a wide range of cloud providers, and monitor them. You will create Docker containers for your microservices and scale them. Finally, you will deploy your microservices in OpenShift Online.
Kotlin Programming Cookbook
Kotlin Programming Cookbook has recipes that will get you started with Android programming with Kotlin 1.1, providing quick solutions to common problems encountered during Android app development. You will also be taken through recipes that will teach you microservice and concurrent programming with Kotlin. Going forward, you will learn to test and secure your applications with Kotlin. Finally, this book supplies recipes that will help you migrate your Java code to Kotlin and will help ensure that it's interoperable with Java.
Mastering Android Development with Kotlin
Mastering Android Development with Kotlin begins by giving you a strong grasp of Kotlin’s features in the context of Android development and its APIs. Moving on, you’ll take steps toward building stunning applications for Android. The book will show you how to set up the environment, and the difficulty level will grow steadily with the applications covered in the upcoming chapters. Later on, the book will introduce you to the Android Studio IDE, which plays an integral role in Android development. We’ll use Kotlin’s basic programming concepts such as functions, lambdas, properties, object-oriented code, safety aspects, type parameterization, testing, and concurrency, which will guide you through writing Kotlin code into production. We’ll also show you how to integrate Kotlin into any existing Android project.
Kotlin Programming By Example
Kotlin Programming By Example takes you through the building blocks of Kotlin, such as functions and classes. You’ll explore various features of Kotlin by building three applications of varying complexity. For a quick start to Android development, we look at building a classic game, Tetris, and elaborate on object-oriented programming in Kotlin. Our next application will be a messenger app, a level up in terms of complexity. Before moving onto the third app, we take a look at data persistent methods, helping us learn about the storage and retrieval of useful applications. Our final app is a place reviewer: a web application that will make use of the Google Maps API and Place Picker.
Building Applications with Spring 5 and Kotlin
Building Applications with Spring 5 and Kotlin In this book, you will begin with an introduction to Spring and its setup with Kotlin. You will then dive into assessing the design considerations of your application. Then you will learn to use Spring (with Spring Boot) along with Kotlin to build a robust backend in a microservice architecture with a REST based collaboration, and leverage Project Reactor in your application. You’ll then learn how to integrate Spring Data and Spring Cloud to manage configurations for database interaction and cloud deployment. You’ll also learn to use Spring Security to beef up security of your application before testing it with the JUnit framework and then deploying it on a cloud platform like AWS.
Hands-on Design Patterns with Kotlin
Hands-on Design Patterns with Kotlin The mission of this book is to ease the adoption of design patterns in Kotlin and provide good practices for programmers. The book begins by showing you the practical aspects of smarter coding in Kotlin, explaining the basic Kotlin syntax and the impact of design patterns. From there, the book provides an in-depth explanation of the classical design patterns of creational, structural, and behavioral families, before heading into functional programming. It then takes you through reactive and concurrent patterns, teaching you about using streams, threads, and coroutines to write better code along the way. By the end of the book, you will be able to efficiently address common problems faced while developing applications and be comfortable working on scalable and maintainable projects of any size.
Kotlin Standard Library Cookbook
Kotlin Standard Library Cookbook by Samuel Urbanowicz will help you dive into advanced language concepts and features. It covers a wide range of general programming problems at varying difficulty levels, including design patterns, functional programming, data processing, and more. The book consists of recipes that present a specific problem and give a step-by-step explanation of how to approach it effectively. This book will help you switch to Kotlin with ease and integrate it seamlessly into the existing JVM, Android and JavaScript projects.
Learning Kotlin by Building Android Applications
Learning Kotlin by building Android Applications by Eunice Adutwumwaa Obugyei. This book adopts a project-style approach, where we focus on teaching Android development by building three different Android Applications: a Tic-Tac-Toe application, a location- based alarm and a To-Do list application. The book begins by giving you a strong grasp of the Kotlin language and its APIs as a preliminary to building stunning applications for Android. You'll learn to set up an environment and as you progress through the chapters and the building of the different applications, the difficulty level will steadily grow. The book also introduces you to the Android Studio IDE, which plays an integral role in Android Development. I t covers Kotlin's basic programming concepts such as functions, lambdas, properties, object-oriented code, safety aspects and type parameterization, testing, and concurrency, and helps you write Kotlin code to production. Finally, you'll be taken through the process of releasing your app on the Google Play Store. You will also be introduced to other app distribution channels such as Amazon App Store.
Mastering High Performance with Kotlin
Mastering High Performance with Kotlin The book starts by analyzing various Kotlin specifcations to identify those that have a potentially adverse effect on performance. Then, we move on to monitor techniques that enable us to identify performance bottlenecks and optimize performance metrics. Next, we look at techniques that help to us achieve high performance: memory optimization, concurrency, multi threading, scaling, and caching. We also look at fault tolerance solutions and the importance of logging. We'll also cover best practices of Kotlin programming that will help you to improve the quality of your code base. By the end of the book, you will have gained some insight into various techniques and solutions that will help to create high-performance applications in the Kotlin environment.
Learning Concurrency in Kotlin
Learning Concurrency in Kotlin This book describes new approaches to concurrency and creates unique challenges for the design and implementation of concurrent code. 'Learning Concurrency in Kotlin' addresses the challenges of concurrent implementation with real-life examples and exercises that take advantage of Kotlin’s primitives. Beginning with an introduction to Kotlin’s coroutines, you will learn how to write concurrent code and understand the fundamental concepts needed to write multithreaded software in Kotlin. You’ll explore how to communicate between and synchronize your threads and coroutines to write asynchronous applications that are collaborative. You’ll also learn how to handle errors and exceptions, as well as how to leverage multi-core processing. In addition to this, you’ll delve into how coroutines work internally, allowing you to see the bigger picture. Through the book, you’ll build an Android application – an RSS reader – designed and implemented according to the different topics covered in the book.
Hands-On Object-Oriented Programming with Kotlin
Hands-On Object-Oriented Programming with Kotlin by Abid Khan and Igor Kucherenko. The main purpose of the book is to provide a comprehensive coverage of Kotlin features such as classes, data classes, and inheritance. It also provides a good understanding of design pattern and how Kotlin syntax works with object-oriented techniques. An introduction to the advanced concepts such as sealed classes and package level functions and coroutines is provided and we will also learn how these concepts can make the software development easy. Supported libraries for serialization, regular expression and testing are also covered in this book. By the end of the book, you would learn building robust and maintainable software with object oriented design patterns in Kotlin.
Kotlin for Enterprise Applications using Java EE
Kotlin for Enterprise Applications using Java EE by Raghavendra Rao K begins with a brief tour of Kotlin and helps you understand what makes it a popular and reasonable choice of programming language for application development, followed by its incorporation in the Java EE platform. We will then learn how to build applications using the Java Persistence API (JPA) and Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), as well as develop RESTful web services and MicroServices. As we work our way through the chapters, we’ll use various performance improvement and monitoring tools for your application and see how they optimize real-world applications. At each step along the way, we will see how easy it is to develop enterprise applications in Kotlin. By the end of this book, we will have learned design patterns and how to implement them using Kotlin.
Learn Spring for Android Application Development
Learn Spring for Android Application Development by S M Mohi Us Sunnat and Igor Kucherenko will guide you in leveraging some of the power modules of the Spring Framework to build lightweight and robust Android apps using Kotlin. You will work with various modules, such as Spring AOP, Dependency Injection, and Inversion of Control, to develop applications with better dependency management. You’ll also explore other modules of the Spring Framework, such as Spring MVC, Spring Boot, and Spring Security. Each chapter has practice exercises at the end for you to assess your learning. By the end of the book, you will be fully equipped to develop Android applications with Spring technologies.
Hands-On Data Structures and Algorithms with Kotlin
Hands-On Data Structures and Algorithms with Kotlin by Chandra Sekhar Nayak, Rivu Chakraborty, starts with the basics of algorithms and data structures, helping you get to grips with the fundamentals and measure complexity. You'll then move on to exploring the basics of functional programming while getting used to thinking recursively. Packed with plenty of examples along the way, this book will help you grasp each concept easily. In addition to this, you'll get a clear understanding of how the data structures in Kotlin's collection framework work internally. By the end of this book, you will be able to apply the theory of data structures and algorithms to work out real-world problems.
Kotlin ile Asenkron Programlama
Kotlin ile Asenkron Programlama Kotlin ile Asnekron Programlama by Mehmet Ali SICAK was written to introduce Coroutines to programmers. This book is the first and currently only book about Coroutines in Turkish. If you want to prevent our applications from blocking, this book is for you. This book focuses on coroutines, the asynchronous programming method. It consists of two parts: theoretical and practical.