
Browser API and the DOM

最近更新 2020-02-23
How to interact with browser-specific APIs from Kotlin, and how do we work with the Document Object Model (DOM).

The Kotlin/JS standard library allows us to access browser-specific functionality using the kotlinx.browser package, which includes typical top-level objects such as document and window. The standard library provides typesafe wrappers for the functionality exposed by these objects wherever possible. As a fallback, the dynamic type is used to provide interaction with functions that do not map well into the Kotlin type system.

Interacting with the DOM

For interaction with the Document Object Model (DOM), we can use the variable document. For example, we can set the background color of our website through this object:

document.bgColor = "FFAA12" 

The document object also provides us a way to retrieve a specific element by ID, name, class name, tag name and so on. All returned elements are of type Element?. To access their properties, we need to cast them to their appropriate type. For example, say we have an HTML page with an email <input> field:

    <input type="text" name="email" id="email"/>

    <script type="text/javascript" src="tutorial.js"></script>

Note that we include our script at the bottom of the body tag. This ensures that the DOM is fully available before the script is loaded.

With this setup, we can access elements of our DOM. To access the properties of the input field, we invoke getElementById and cast it to HTMLInputElement. We can then safely access its properties, such as value:

val email = document.getElementById("email") as HTMLInputElement
email.value = "[email protected]"

Much like we reference this input element, we can access other elements on the page, casting them to the appropriate types.

To see how we can express how elements in the DOM can be created and structured in a concise way, check out the the Typesafe HTML DSL.