试用 Kotlin

面向对象的 Hello
                    fun main() {
                        println("Hello World")

Why Kotlin

Modern, concise and safe programming language

  • 简洁

     使用一行代码创建一个包含 getters、 setters、 `equals()`、 `hashCode()`、 `toString()` 以及 `copy()` 的 POJO:
    data class Customer(val name: String, val email: String, val company: String)
    // 或者使用 lambda 表达式来过滤列表:
    val positiveNumbers = list.filter { it > 0 }
    // 想要单例?创建一个 object 就可以了:
    object ThisIsASingleton {
        val companyName: String = "JetBrains"
  • 安全

     彻底告别那些烦人的 NullPointerException——著名的十亿美金的错误
    var output: String
    output = null   // 编译错误
    // Kotlin 可以保护你避免对可空类型进行误操作
    val name: String? = null    // 可空类型
    println(name.length())      // 编译错误
    // 并且如果类型检测正确,编译器会为你做自动类型转换
    fun calculateTotal(obj: Any) {
        if (obj is Invoice)
  • 互操作性

     使用 JVM 上的任何现有库,因为有 100% 的兼容性,包括 SAM 支持。
    import io.reactivex.Flowable
    import io.reactivex.schedulers.Schedulers
        .fromCallable {
            Thread.sleep(1000) //  模仿高开销的计算
        .subscribe(::println, Throwable::printStackTrace)
    // 无论是面向 JVM 还是 JavaScript 平台,都可用 Kotlin 写代码然后部署到你想要的地方
    import kotlin.browser.window
    fun onLoad() {
        window.document.body!!.innerHTML += "<br/>Hello, Kotlin!"

Easy to pick up, so you can create powerful applications immediately.

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A productive way to write server‑side applications

Compatible with the Java ecosystem. Use your favorite JVM frameworks and libraries.

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Natural way to share code between mobile platforms

Mobile platforms Feature

Write the business logic for iOS and Android apps just once. Easily make existing applications cross platform.

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Big, friendly and helpful community

Kotlin has great support and many contributors in its fast-growing global community. Enjoy the benefits of a rich ecosystem with a wide range of community libraries. Help is never far away – consult extensive community resources or ask the Kotlin team directly.

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